Learning Outcomes
Integration of material taught earlier (circuits, electronics, electromagnetic field, antennas) aimed at synthesis of real telecommunication systems. Familiarization with the operation of radio-systems used for location (e.g., radar), navigation (e.g., GPS, beacons), monitoring (e.g., weather).
Course Content (Syllabus)
Transmitter and receiver sub-systems. Mixers. Frequency synthesizers. Operation of spectrum and network analyzers. Software-operated receivers. Pulsed, doppler, continuous-wave, and frequency-modulated continuous-wave radar. Direction, distance, and velocity determination by radar. Angle, time, and doppler-frequency resolution. Imaging by real- or synthetic-aperture side-looking airborne radar. Radiometry and radio astronomy. Radio navigation satellite systems (GPS, Galileo). Radio meteorology. Radio oceanography.
transmission, reception, radio, radar, remote sensing