Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to a) inform about the prophets, their era, their teaching and their theology; b) excercise on different hermeneutical approaches to their books; c) apply the theological thought of the Bible on contemporary issues
Course Content (Syllabus)
This course studies the canonical prophetic books of the Old Testament. Themes studied for every book: a) the historical background, b) the prophetic teaching and theology, c) exegetical issues concerning each book
1. Hosea
2. Amos
3. Micah
4. Joel
5. Obadiah, Habbakuk, Nahum
6. Jonah
7. Zephaniah
8. Haggai and Zechariah
9. Malachi
10. Isaiah
11. Jeremiah
12. Ezekiel
13. Daniel