Course Content (Syllabus)
• Introduction in Seismology (earth structure and kinematics, tectonics and faulting, earthquakes parameters and source mechanisms, seismic waves, earthquake recorders and instrumental networks, seismic energy and intensity)
• Engineering Seismology (seismicity, attenuation laws, seismic hazard assessment and risk, earthquake and strong ground motion)
• Strong Ground Motion (recordings, appearance types, affecting factors, attenuation, duration, local site conditions, Fourier and response spectra, design spectra, seismic codes)
• Soil Dynamics (dynamic loads, stress-deformation relationship, geotechnical field and laboratory testing, geophysical conventional and passive methods)
• Seismic Response (strength of soil under dynamic loads, liquefaction, response of soil deposits, site effects and resonance characteristics, evaluation in time and frequency domain, design earthquake and spectra)