Course Content (Syllabus)
SPECIAL RELATIVITY (Michelson –Morley Experiment, Lorentz Transformation, Relativistic Doppler Effect)
PHOTONS, ELECTRONS AND ATOMS (Black Body Radiation, Photoelectric Effect, Laser, Production and Diffraction of X-rays)
WAVE MECHANICS (Electron Diffraction, Electron Microscopes, Wave functions, Heisenberg uncertainty Principle)
QUANTUM MECHANICS (Boundary Conditions, Harmonic Oscillator)
STRUCTURE OF ATOMS (Hydrogen atom, Zeeman phenomenon, Spin, X-rays spectra)
MOLECULES AND CONDENSED MATTER (Structure of materials, Band theory of solids, Semiconductors, Superconductivity)
NUCLEAR PHYSICS (Radioactivity, Radioactive decay law, Biological effects of radiation, Nuclear Fission, Fusion and Reactors )
ELEMENTARY PARTICLES AND COSMOLOGY (Classification of Particles, Particles accelerators and detectors, Quarks, Expanding Universe)