Paediatrics I

Course Information
TitleΠΑΙΔΙΑΤΡΙΚΗ Ι / Paediatrics I
FacultyHealth Sciences
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter
CoordinatorAikaterini Chaidopoulou
Course ID200000323

Class Information
Academic Year2020 – 2021
Class PeriodSpring
Faculty Instructors
Instructors from Other Categories
Weekly Hours14
Class ID
1. Α΄ Παιδιατρική
2. Β΄ Παιδιατρική
3. Γ΄ Παιδιατρική
4. Δ΄ Παιδιατρική
Course Type 2016-2020
  • General Knowledge
  • Skills Development
Course Type 2011-2015
General Foundation
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
Digital Course Content
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Greek (Instruction, Examination)
  • English (Instruction, Examination)
Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes After successful completion of the course the medical student will be able to 1.Take a detailed paediatric history and perform physical examination in infants, toddlers, children and adolescents. 2.Evaluate physical development (Body Weight, Length / Body Height, Head Perimeter) using growth charts and recognize deviations as well as looking for and recognizing congenital malformations at an early age. 3.Know the stages of normal psychomotor development during the first years of life and recognizes developmental delay. 4.Know the importance of common clinical manifestations and findings in pediatric patients (eg cough, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, pain, crying, convulsions, hematuria, edema, anemia, jaundice) as well as to interpret results of basic clinical-laboratory tests in children of all ages 5.Know the principles of nutrition in normal infants, toddlers and children, the National Vaccination Program and how to check and record details in the child's health booklet.
General Competences
  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
  • Advance free, creative and causative thinking
Course Content (Syllabus)
Course Content (Syllabus) Theoretical and practical training in the compulsory course of Pediatrics I 0325 takes place in the four Pediatric Departments with a common curriculum and common learning objectives • 1st Pediatric Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Hippokration Hospital • 2nd Pediatric Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, AHEPA Hospital • 3rd Pediatric Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Hippokration Hospital • 4th Pediatric Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou Hospital The students of I spring semester are divided into 4 groups in order to practice in one of the four Pediatric Departments (70-90 students per Department). Total duration of training is 13 weeks. The students of each Department are further divided into two groups, each of which is trained for 6 weeks, from Monday to Friday (40-50 students). The 13th week is available to make up for any absences. Reception of students is carried out by the Director of the Deparmtent and the coordinating body for the course (one faculty member that is the coordinator). Students are provided with information regarding the operation of the Department and the hygiene measures. A. Lectures On a daily basis, there is an two hour-long lecture held in classroom of the Department (alternatively use of synchronous and asynchronous distance learning plattforms). B. Clinical Tutoring. They concern practical issues / skills (eg performing tuberculosis reaction, ways of administering oxygen and inhaled drugs, checking the health booklet, etc.). They are held in the classrooms of the Department (alternatively use of synchronous and asynchronous distance learning plattforms). C. Practical / Clinical training The students are divided into groups of 5-10 people and distributed in the patients rooms under the supervision o a faculty member. A rotation of rooms (rotation) per week is arranged so that the students have the opportunity to be exposed in wide range of pediatric cases. D. Independent study and preparation for exams TABLE 1. LEARNING OBJECTIVES / OUTCOMES The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the pediatric patient. This objective is accomplished by the following knowledge and skills: 1. Medical history taking from pediatric patients / guardians 2. Physical examination of newborns 3. Physical examination of infants/ toddlers 4. Physical development of infants/children (percentiles of body weight, length-height, head circumference) 5. Normal values and significance of usual laboratory tests 6. Common antibiotics 7. Vaccines - vaccination scheme of infants, toddlers 8. Importance of common clinical symptoms and signs (cough, dyspnea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain, crying, convulsions, hematuria, edema, anemia, jaundice) 9. Nutrition of infants 10. Psychomotor development of infants/ toddler 11. Nursing care of newborns/ infants/children – social pediatric practice TABLE 2 Teaching - Syllabus PEDIATRICS I0325 1.History and clinical examination of infant, child and adolescent 2. Growth and child development 3. Common developmental problems in childhood 4. Clinical genetics 5. Chromosomal aberrations - abnormalities 6. History and clinical examination of the newborn 7. Congenital and perinatal infections 8. Neonates with intrauterine growth retardation 9. Premature infants and their problems 10. Neonatal jaundice 11. Nutrition and nutritional disorders 12. Immune system (generally)-allergy 13. Vaccines 14. Infectious diseases 15. Tuberculosis 16. Clinical and laboratory evaluation of the respiratory system 17. Syndromes obstruction upper and lower respiratory system 18. Infections of the respiratory system 19. Clinical and laboratory evaluation of the cardiovascular system in children 20. Hyperlipidemia and prevention of cardiovascular diseases 21. Abdominal pain 22. Vomiting - Diarrhea - Constipation 23. Hepatitis 24. Malabsorption syndromes 25. Checking renal function 26. Haematuria / proteinuria 27. Congenital malformations of the urinary tract 28. Physiological hematopoiesis 29. Disorders of haemopoiesis 30. Lymphadenopathies 31. Puberty 32. Abnormalities of the puberty 33. Growth Disorders 34. Neurological examination of infant/child-Headache 35. Convulsions-Epilepsies 36. Infections of CNS 37. Common orthopedic problems in children 38. Hereditary metabolic diseases 39.Dehydration and water-electrolyte disturbances /acid-base inbalance 40. Emergencies in Paediatrics
General pediatrics, subspecialties of pediatrics (immunology, allergology, cardiology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, neonatology, neurology, nephrology, pneumology etc)
Educational Material Types
  • Notes
  • Slide presentations
  • Book
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Laboratory Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
1) Lectures in PowerPoint/ videos. 2) Communication of students with the Faculty via internal e-mails. 3) Posting of all the announcements concerning the course of Pediatrics (courses, exams, etc.) on the website of the medical school, which is accessible to all students.
Course Organization
Reading Assigment501.9
Clinical Practice301.2
Student Assessment
Student Assessment Description The final evaluation/grading of a student is based on the score received from written evaluation (multiple choice questions, open questions, case description, interpretation of pictures-figures or graphs. (the examination may take place with the use of distance learning modules. The exams take place during the Examination Periods as defined in the Curiculum of the School.
Student Assessment methods
  • Written Exam with Multiple Choice Questions (Summative)
  • Written Exam with Short Answer Questions (Summative)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Βασική παιδιατρική ( Γ΄έκδοση ) Κωδικός Βιβλίου στον Εύδοξο: 41963812 Έκδοση: 3η έκδ./2014 Συγγραφείς: Επιμ.: Κανακούδη - Τσακαλίδου Φλωρεντία, Κατζός Γεώργιος, Παπαχρήστου Φώτιος, Δρόσου - Αγακίδου Βασιλική ISBN: 978-960-12-2191-5 Τύπος: Σύγγραμμα Διαθέτης (Εκδότης): University Studio Press Α.Ε. Nelson Βασική Παιδιατρική Κωδικός Βιβλίου στον Εύδοξο: 50657077 Έκδοση: 1η έκδ./2015 Συγγραφείς: Επιμέλεια Μετάφρασης: Μαρία Εμποριάδου, Μαρία Χατζηστυλιανού ISBN: 978-960-6894-84-8 Τύπος: Σύγγραμμα Διαθέτης (Εκδότης): ΧΑΒΑΛΕΣ Α - ΧΑΤΖΗΣΥΜΕΩΝ Κ ΟΕ ΠΑΙΔΙΑΤΡΙΚΗ ΚΑΙ ΕΦΗΒΙΚΗ ΠΡΩΤΟΒΑΘΜΙΑ ΦΡΟΝΤΙΔΑ Κωδικός Βιβλίου στον Εύδοξο: 12860552 Έκδοση: 1/2011 Συγγραφείς: ΧΡΥΣΑΝΘΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΧΡΥΣΑΝΘΟΣ ISBN: 9789606894343 Τύπος: Σύγγραμμα Διαθέτης (Εκδότης): ΧΑΒΑΛΕΣ Α - ΧΑΤΖΗΣΥΜΕΩΝ Κ ΟΕ
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