Learning Outcomes
The following aims are defined as learning outcomes:
Acquisition of knowledge and ability to resolve disputes in the field of health and social welfare law (social services). Writing a paper with which students will delve into current issues of health law and social services.
Introduction to case law trends by examining and commenting on court decisions.
Students should be able to interpret relevant laws.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The scientific field of public health law. The right to health (Article 21 of the Constitution). Content. Free choice of doctor (liberal principles of medicine). International sources. World Health Organization. Union Law. Primary and secondary law. Regulation 883/2004, relevant Directive. Free movement of patients. Health protection through EOPYY sickness insurance, supplementary sickness insurance. Protection of the uninsured. National Health System. Its relationship with the private sector. The financing and organization of the system. Organization of primary health care (PEDY). Family doctor. Secondary care (Hospital). Patient rights.Protection of personal data in the field of health. Doctors' professional relations. Health legislation. Contract for the provision of medical services. The private health sector. Pharmaceutical law. The right of the individual to social welfare.
Features of social welfare. National Social Care System. Decentralized structures of the system. Volunteer organizations. Welfare programs for the family, motherhood, children, people with special needs, the elderly. Roof protection. Benefits for the financially weak. Social Exclusion. Tackling poverty. Judicial protection of the recipient of social services