Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of this course, students:
1. Have proven knowledge and ability to understand issues in special field of Maritime Law.
2. Be able to use in practice the knowledge and understanding ability acquired.
3. Be able to develop and support legal arguments and to propose practical solutions to legal problems on the special field of Maritime Law.
4. Be able to provide accurate information on the issues of Maritime Law towards to both qualified and non-qualified audience.
Course Content (Syllabus)
In the course "SPECIAL INSTITUTIONS OF MARITIME LAW" students are taught more specific issues of Maritime Law. Specifically, the course includes the following sections:
1. Contract of carriage of passengers by sea
2. Collision of ships
3. Oil pollution of sea
4. The Contract of Chartering.
Ship, carriage, collision, pollution of sea.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Γκολογκίνα-Οικονόμου Ελ., Αστική ευθύνη στη διεθνή θαλάσσια μεταφορά επιβατών και αποσκευών, 1η έκδοση, εκδ. Σάκκουλα, 2007 [ISBN: 978-960-445-191-3, Κωδ. ΕΥΔΟΞΟΣ: 25094]
2. Κιάντου-Παμπούκη Αλ, Ναυτικό δίκαιο, Τόμος ΙΙ, 6η έκδοση, εκδ. Σάκκουλα, 2007 [ISBN: 978-960-445-156-2, Κωδ. ΕΥΔΟΞΟΣ: 25057]