Learning Outcomes
The aim of the course is, on one hand, to give students the opportunity to become familiar with the international and supranational labour standards, and the international legal documents and Charters protecting fundamental social rights, and on the other hand, to enable them to understand how these rules are applied at the international and national level by the international monitoring bodies and by the international and national courts.
Specific learning objectives of the course are to provide students with skills, which will enable them: 1) to handle with ease the multiplicity of legal sources in the fields of labour law and social policy, 2) to study and be able to comment on the international case law, and in particular the judgments of the Court of the EU in the field of labour and social law, 3) to examine the impact of international and European legislation and case law on the national legal order and 4) to prepare research papers concerning either the solution of practical legal problems or the scientific analysis of a theoretical topic.
Course Content (Syllabus)
This course is taught only in English. It examines the law of the International Labour Organization and the Council of Europe, but its main focus is on EU social law, including both labour law and social policy of the European Union. After an introduction of the historical evolution of European social law, the course examines the sources of this law, the social provisions of the EU treaties and basic topics such as the free movement of workers, European social citizenship, European collective conventions, workers’ representation in groups of undertakings, working time regulation, the principle of non-discrimination in employment and work, gender equality, the social rights enshrined in the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights and their relationship to the economic freedoms of the European Union.
social law, labour law, social policy, European Union law
Additional bibliography for study
1. Barnard C., EU employment law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012.
2. Bercusson B., European labour law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
3. Blanpain R., European labour law, Alphen/Rijn, Kluwer Law International, 2012.
4. Davies A.C.L., EU labour law, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar, 2012.
5. Kenner J., EU employment law, Oxford, Hart, 2011.