Additional bibliography for study
1. Atiyah P.S., Summers R.S., Form and Substance in Anglo-American law, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1996.
2. Baker J.H., An Introduction to English legal history, Second edition by Hamilton, 1977.
3. Bell J., French Legal Cultures, Butterworths, 2001.
4. David R., Brierley J.E.C., Major Legal Systems in the World Today, 3rd edition, 1985.
5. Jolowicz J.A., Droit anglais, Dalloz, 1992.
6. Kiralfy A.R, The English Legal System, 1992.
7. Legrand, Comparer les droits resolument, puf, 2009.
8. Markesinis B., Always on the same path, essays on foreign law and comparative methodology, Hart, 2001.
9. Mattei U., Comparative Law and Economics, 1997.
10. Menski W., Comparative Law in a Global Context: the Legal Systems of Asia and Africa, Platinium, 2000.
11. Nelken D. (ed.), Comparing Legal Cultures, Dartmouth, 1997.
12. Örücü E., The Enigma of Comparative Law: Variations on a Theme for the Twenty-first Century, 2004.
13. Reimann Μ., Zimmermann R., The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law, Oxford University Press, 2006.
14. Riles A., Rethinking Masters of Comparative Law, Oxford-Portland, Hart, 2001.
15. Zweigert Kötz, An Introduction to Comparative Law, 2002.