Learning Outcomes
The dental student after completing this course acquires the basic necessary competences and skills to provide dental treatment to completely edentulous patients. He develops communication competences and skills with these patients, understanding their predicament and their expectations. He also understands how to assess the quality of the provided treatment.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course in clinical competences in Removable Prosthodontics is offered in the setting of the undergraduate clinic of Removable Prosthodontics and is aiming to provide the dental student the basic competences for providing prosthetic rehabilitation to edentulous patients. The dental student is expected to clinically construct a set of complete dentures to a patient that he has been assigned, performing all the necessary steps in order to fabricate a set of upper and lower complete denture. The student is offered a demonstration by the clinical instructors in every significant step of denture construction. The student is assessed as for the competences and skills that he has demonstrated in the various procedures that he has to perform.