Additional bibliography for study
1) "Ασκήσεις και Τεχνικές Αυτοματισμού Γραφείου", Α. Βέγλης, Κ. Μπαρμπαργύρης, ISBN 960-8050-42-1, Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2000.
2) "Computing Fundamentals - Introduction to Computers", Faithe Wempen, Rosie Hattersley, Richard Millett, and Kate Shoup, ISBN 978-1-119-03971-6, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015.
3) "Microsoft Office 365 Excel 2016: Comprehensive", Shelly Cashman Series, Steven M. Freund, Joy L. Starks, and Eric Schmieder, ISBN 978-1-305-87072-7, Cengage Learning, 2017.
4) "Windows 10 - The Beginners' Guide", 2nd edition, BDM's Ultimate Series, ISSN 2050-1137, BDM, 2019.
5) "The Complete Linux Mint Manual", 2nd edition, BDM's Ultimate Series, ISSN 2046-2743, BDM, 2019.