Additional bibliography for study
1. Allen J. Natural Language Understanding. Ed. Benjamin/Cummings, 2nd ed., 1995.
2. Altman G. (ed.) Cognitive Models of Speech Processing: psycolinguistic and computanional perspectives, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1990.
3. Baken R. An Overview of Laryngeal Function for Voice Production. In:
Sataloff R, ed. Professional Voice. The Science and Art of Clinical Care.
San Diego: Singular Publishing Group, pp. 147-165, 1997.
4. Bernen N.O., Dybkjaer H, Dybkjaer L. Designing interactive speech systems: from first ideas to user testing, Springer-Verlag N.Y., 1998.
5. Bishop, C.M. Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. Oxford University Press, 1995.
6. Bless D, Glaze L, Lowery D, Campos G, Peppard R. Stroboscopic, acoustic,
aerodynamic and perceptual analyses of voice production in normal speaking
adults: NCVS Status and progress Report,4, pp. 121-134, 1993.
7. Dejonckere P. A basic protocol for functional assessment of voice
pathology: Guideline by the Committee on Phoniatrics of the European
Laryngological Society, 2000.
8. Dejonckere P. Perceptual and laboratory assessment of dysphonia.
Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 33 (3): 731-750, 2000.
9. Fink R, Demarest R. Laryngeal Biomechanics. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1978.
10. Fresnel-Elbaz E. Exploration de la phonation. In: P Courtrat C, Elbaz P,
ed. Explorations fonctionelles en ORL. Paris: Masson, pp. 146-175, 1994.
11. Hirano M. Clinical examination of the voice. New York: Springer-Verlag, p.
1-98, 1981.
12. Jelinek F. Statistical Method for Speech Recognition, MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, 1998.
13. Jiang J, Lin E, Hanson D. Vocal fold physiology. The Otolaryngologic
Clinics of North America 33 (4): 699-712, 2000.
14. Leech G. Principles of Pragmatics. UK: Longman (1983).
15. Levinson SC. Pragmatics. Cambridge: CUP (1983).
16. Markovitch J. Using Speech Recognition, Prentice Hall, 1996.
17. Mc Kevitt P. (ed.). Integration of Natural Language and Vision Processing, Vol. I-IV, Dordrecht, Kluwer, 1995/1996.
18. Owens F.J. Signal Processing of Speech, Macmillan, 1993.
19. Sataloff, Heuer R, Emerich K, Baroody M, Rulnick R, Hawkshaw M. The
Clinical Voice Laboratory. In: Sataloff R, ed. Professional Voice: The
science and Art of Clinical Care. San Diego: Singular Publishing Group, pp.
215-243, 1997.
20. Saeed J. Semantics. Oxford: Blackwell (1997).
21. Titze I. Vocal fold physiology: Frontiers in basic science. San Diego:
Singular Publishing, 1993.
22. Young S. and Bloothooft G. Corpus-based Methods in Language and Speech Processing, Kluwer, 1997.