Learning Outcomes
The aim of the course is students to become familiar with aspects of the didactic of physics and to use them in the design of teaching interventions.
In particular, upon successful completion of the course, students will:
a) know the importance of alternative perceptions of secondary school students
b) Set objectives in the cognitive domain, hierarchically, to address an alternative perception of secondary school students
c) select appropriate media under the objective of their students engagement
d) choose an appropriate teaching method with aiming at the active learning of their students
e) design predictions for the dissemination of their students' current knowledge and
formative questionnaires for testing the new knowledge
f) plan didactic interventions aimed at the conceptual change of their students
g) plan didactic interventions aimed at the epistemological awareness of their students and
h) plan didactic interventions aimed at the acquiring of experimental skills.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The aim of the course is students to develop skills in handling the theoretical background of Didactics (alternative students' perceptions, objectives of a teaching, teaching tools and methods, questionnaires, etc.)
Knowledge in Physics and Teaching Practice
Students' ideas about concepts and phenomena of the natural world
Learning Theories
Teaching Methods
Questionnaires and the handling of students' questions
Concept Maps and their use as a teaching and evaluation tool
Planning and development of activities
Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Students take a Physics topic and choose the appropriate material to design a didactical intervention based on the learning model, focusing at students' alternative perceptions, set goals, and describe a complete teaching scenario that includes a worksheet to engage and assess the students, upon new knowledge, and finally present their work.