Course Content (Syllabus)
Units and Vectors:
Standards and units. Dimensions. Vectors. The unit vector. The position vector. Components of a vector. Scalar and vector products. Types of vectors. The derivative of a vector. Problems.
Motion of a Particle:
Rectilinear motion. Average and instantaneous velocity, acceleration. Motion in a plane. Physical coordinates. General motion in space. Coordinate systems. Motion of a projectile. Circular motion. Examples – Problems.
Forces and Motion:
The concept of force. Fields of forces. The Newton’s laws of motion. Universal gravitation. Inertial and gravitational mass. Friction. Balance. Motion under the influence of forces. Examples – Problems.
Frames of Reference:
Relative velocity. Galilean transformation. Inertial and accelerated frames of reference. Inertial forces. Relativity and Equivalence principles. Motion in a rotating frame of reference. Centrifugal and Coriolis forces. Examples – Problems.
Energy and Conservation Laws:
Impulse. Energy. Work. Conservative forces. Kinetic energy. Potential energy. Power. Linear momentum. Angular momentum and torque. Conservation laws. Kepler’s laws. Examples – Problems.
Motion of Systems:
Mechanical system of particles. Internal and external forces. Internal energy. Center of mass. Center of mass frame of reference. Momentum, energy and angular momentum of a system. Collisions. Systems of variable mass. Examples – Problems.
Mechanical Oscillations:
The simple harmonic oscillator. Equation and energy of the simple harmonic motion. The pendulum. Damped harmonic oscillations. Forced harmonic oscillations. Resonance of energy and amplitude. Examples – Problems.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1)PHYSICS-INTRODUCTION TO MECHANICS, D. Kyriakos, Th. Karakostas, ZITI (ed.), 1998, Thessaloniki, Greece [22766907]
2)PHYSICS-VOLUME I (Translated in Greek), Halliday D., Resnick R., Krane K.S., G. & A. Pneumatikos (eds.), 2009, Athens, Greece [6771]
Additional bibliography for study
1) FUNDAMENTAL UNIVERSITY PHYSICS, Volume 1, M. Alonso-E. Finn, Addison-Wesley (USA)
2) CLASSICAL AND MODERN PHYSICS, Volume 1, K. W. Ford, Xerox College Publishing (USA)
3) UNIVERSITY PHYSICS, Sears-Zemansky-Young, Addison-Wesley (USA)
4) PHYSICS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS, Volume 1, Serway, Jewett, Brooks/Cole (USA)