Learning Outcomes
After the successful completion of the course, the students will have knowledge of modern theoretical models for the description of nuclear structure and nuclear matter. The students will be able to apply the theoretical models to more realistic systems (such as finite nuclei, nuclear reactions, neutron stars) using analytical mathematical and computational tools.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Liquid drop model-Semi empirical mass formula-Saturation of nuclear forces-Basic principles of nuclear scattering
T-matrix, electron scattering from nuclei, nuclear mass distribution, nuclear charge distribution. Electromagnetic moments and transitions.
Collective excitations in liquid drop model: vibrations, rotations, nuclear fission.
Properties of the fundamental nuclear interaction. Deuterium. Nuclear effective interactions.
Nuclear models: Fermi gas model, nuclear shell model, nuclear mean field model.
Pairing correlation. BCS approximation. RPA model and collective vibrations.