Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing the course the students have been introduced to the basic principles of modern cosmology, to the standard cosmological paradigm, to the key observations supporting this model and to its theoretical foundations. In particular, the students have familiarised themselves with the main features of the Friedmann cosmologies, with the Hot-Big-Bang model and with the basics of standard inflation. In addition, the students are introduced to cosmological perturbation theory, to the scenarios of large-scale structure formation and to the issues of dark matter and dark energy.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Newtonian cosmology. The Friedmann models, their dynamics and kinematics. Solutions of the Friedmann equations. Elements of relativistic cosmology. The Big-Bang scenario and its epochs. Inflation, the Planck era and the first stages of the universe's evolution. Introduction to cosmological perturbation theory. Linear Newtonian perturbations and large-scale structure formation. Dark matter, dark energy and the recent universal acceleration