Learning Outcomes
Familiarization with the basic biological databases, their type of information/data, and the search strategies and data retrieval. Basic organization of the transcriptional unit. Study and use of online analysis programs and standalone software for the analysis of DNA and protein sequences, the determination of transcriptional unit, restriction enzyme analysis, primer design for the polymerase chain reaction, the analysis of genomes, secondary structure prediction etc. Familiarization with methods for pairwise and multiple sequence alignment (BLAST, Clustalw). Methods and strategies for phylogeny reconstruction.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Protein and nucleic acids sequences. Sequence alignment and homology. Internet–Databases-Software. Structure prediction. Genetic algorithms. Transcriptional unit. Primer design. Familiarization with DNA and protein databases. Structure-function prediction. Phylogenetic trees. Virtual lab.
Bioinformatics, computational biology, sequence databases, alignment, phylogeny