Learning Outcomes
After the successful completion of the course, students are expected to delve into the issues taught, critically approach the current relevant jurisprudence and bibliography, cultivate their skills in writing and presenting papers, and be able to deal independently with new problems that arise in the field of european labour law.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The subject of the course is the provisionw of primary and secondary EU law, which are of particular importance for labor relations, and their effect on national law. As European labor law is shaped mainly by EU Directives, the course includes the presentation and analysis of all Directives that deal with labor relations issues. Relevant national provisions are also being examined insofar as they raise issues of compatibility with EU law. Based on the subject of the EU Directives instructions, the course is structured as follows: a) The principle of equal treatment and protection against discrimination in labor law, b) Flexible forms of employment, c) The protection of employees’ rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, or parts of undertakings, d) Collective redundancies, e) Fixed-term employment contracts - Non-discrimination principle and protection against abusive recourse to fixed-term employment contracts, f) Working time and rest time, g) Protection of employees' personal data and h) Informing and consulting employees.
EU Directives, protection against discrimination, transfers of undertakings, collective redundancies, fixed-term employment contracts