Course Content (Syllabus)
1st-2nd hour Objective, significance and mission of Animal Husbandry.
Problems and trends in Animal Production in the European Union.
Animal Production in Greece, the European Union and Worldwide;
current situation and trend analysis.
3rd-4th hour Origin and distribution of farm animal species; impact of
domestication on farm animals (changes in morphology, physiology
and psychology). Re-introduction to the wild.
5th-6th hour Farm animal classification. Productive characteristics:
Reproduction, Milk Production, Meat Production, Egg Production,
Wool Production, Draft Power, Athletic Ability.
Impact of nutrition on productive traits of farm animals
(reproduction, growth, milk production, egg production, wool
7th-8th hour Relationship between genotype and the environment. Impact of
climate on morphological and productive traits of farm animals
(reproduction, growth, milk production, egg production, wool
9th-10th hour Species, breeds (evolution and sub-divisions). Breed standards and
herdbooks. Genetic improvement of farm animals; goal,
significance and basic principles.
11th-12th hour Farm animal production systems (extensive, semi-extensive, semiintensive,
intensive) and strategies. Basic principles of organic
animal farming.
13th-14th hour General overview of farm animal production under the concept
“from stable to the table”. Animal handling and transportation.
15th-16th hour General principles of animal farm buildings (location, soil,
orientation, infrastructure, barns, stables, auxiliary areas). Hygiene
of farm buildings.
17th-18th hour Animal farm hygiene in relation to the environment (health and
healthy animal characteristics, factors affecting animal health and