Learning Outcomes
After having successfully completed the course, students:
1. Have learned how to use the automatic translation system Systran
2. Have learned how to use the terminology database IATE
3. Have learned the main functions of the translation memory tool SDL Trados
4. Have become familiar with the natural language processing systems Unitex and TermoStat Web
Course Content (Syllabus)
The aim of this course is to provide the students with more than a basic knowledge of computational tools which are used in automatic/machine translation. We mostly focus on machine translation systems such as Systran, terminology databases such as IATE, translation memory tools (SDL Trados) and natural language processing systems like Unitex and TermoStat Web :
1. Introduction to Machine Translation Software Tools (MT)
2. Description of the process of a machine translation system (different stages)
3. Translating texts with the available MT systems
4. Creating a MT system (using Unitex)
5. Creating a MT system (using Unitex)
6. Creating a MT system (using Unitex)
7. Creating a simple word electronic dictionary using Unitex
8. Creating a simple word electronic dictionary using Unitex
9. Creating a compound word electronic dictionary using Unitex
10. Creating a compound word electronic dictionary using Unitex
11. Creating a compound word electronic dictionary using Unitex
12. Creating grammars using Unitex
13. Creating grammars using Unitex
computational tools, automatic translation, terminology database, translation memory tools, corpus processing systems