Learning Outcomes
This course aims to instruct students in the basics of literary research and scholarly writing. A workshop-style lesson is held once a week and class attendance is mandatory. Students are also required to meet with the instructor regularly throughout the term and to bring outlines and drafts of their research papers. They are also obliged to attend a compulsory library seminar on using electronic courses. Students are required to write two research papers on literary or cultural topics, the first on a set text and the second on a topic of the student’s choice (subject to the instructor’s approval).
By the end of the course students should be able to
• use the library and electronic databases effectively
• engage in independent research
• critically evaluate secondary sources
• organize and develop a thesis
• support their arguments through detailed primary text analysis as well as secondary sources
• reference and format their work in accordance with the MLA referencing system
• manage their time effectively and respect deadlines
• write a research paper with minimal help or guidance
Course Content (Syllabus)
academic English
writing research papers about literary or cultural topics
organising a research paper
analysing literary texts
providing textual support
using primary text quotations and examples
MLA (Modern Language Association) referencing style
using secondary sources (paraphrasing, quotation, evaluation, avoiding plagiarism)
formatting a paper
Researched writing, literary analysis, MLA, in-text citation, formatting
Assessment is based on a short research paper (1,800 words approx) (35%), which the students have the opprotunity to rewrite, and a longer research paper (3,000 words) (65%). The paper is assessed on the basis of organization, argumentation, quality of expression in English, skills of analysis and synthesis, depth of research, evalutation and integration of sources, adherence to MLA referencing style. There is no final examination.
Students are informed of the assessment criteria in course handouts and in class.