Course Content (Syllabus)
Complex numbers, the complex plane, topology of the plane, elementary
complex functions - Holomorphic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations - The complex
integral, Cauchy's theorem and integral formula - The maximum principle, theorems of
Morera and Liouville, the Schwarz lemma - Power series, the identity theorem. - Laurent
series, singularities, residues.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
- Ένα Εισαγωγικό μάθημα στις Μιγαδικές Συναρτήσεις, Ν. Δανίκας, University Press, 1996.
- Μιγαδική Ανάλυση, T. Bak, D. Newman, Leader Books, 2004.