Learning Outcomes
Knowledge of the principles of Radiochemistry- Nuclear Chemistry
Knowledge of the experimental set up of Radiochemistry- Nuclear Chemistry
Εxersizes in radiation measurements, decay mode and analysis of the results
Knowledge of the principles applications of Radiochemistry-Nuclear Chemistry
Course Content (Syllabus)
Structure and properties of the atomic nuclei. Radioactivity. Radioactive decay (α., β. and γ.decay, spontaneous fission). Radioactive equilibrium. Natural radioactivity. Interaction of the nuclear radiation with the matter. The measurement of the nuclear radiation. Nuclear reactions. The artificial fission and the nuclear fusion. The uranium cycle and the production of the nuclear power. Application of radioisotopes and radiations. Doses and radioprotection.
Tutorial: Nuclear Radiation Detection Exercises, Decay Rate Calculation, Absorption of Radiation, Determination of half Time