Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to
describe the major theoretical principles of differentiated instruction and Universal Design for Learning
discuss critically the relation among differentiated instruction, special education and inclusive education
explain the significance of individual differences in readiness, interests and larning style for differentiating instruction
develop assessment instruments and procedures for differentiation
present the major strategies and techniques of differentiated instruction
critically discuss about the consequences of learning disabilities on differentiated instruction
develop differentiated instructional plans for different curriculum areas
Course Content (Syllabus)
The high-diversity within the school population and the inclusive school philosophy, have led to the need for instructional adaptations on part of the teachers. In this course instructional adaptation is approached through the model of Differentiated Instruction (DI). DI includes adaptations of content, process and product based on the academic level, the learning style and the interests of the students. The role of instructional assessments, tiered instruction, management of activities and materials and specific strategies are introduced. A special emphasis is placed on explaining the impact of cognitive learning research findings on instructional applications.
1 Presentation of the course content and requirements. Discussion abotu the form of instruction
2 Assessment of Learning style - Basic learningprocesses- Learninf and good instructional practices - myltiple intelligence and instructional methods
3 Need for differentiated instruction - Definition and basic principles - empirical validation
4 Forming working groups - assigning roles -relationship with Universal Diesign for Learning and Special Education
5 workshop 1 - first attempt for differentiation- access to Curriculum - the 3X3 model - Accommodations and adjustments
6 The role of assessment (for ability, interest and learning style) - myltiple ways - the significane of Rubrics
7 Differentiation by readiness - strategies - tiered instruction
8 Workshop - 2nd attempt - differentiation by interest - strategies - grouping strategies
9 Workshop - 3rd attempt- differentiation by learninf style - strategies - managind the environment
10 Differentiation in Language instruction
11 Differentiation in teacheing ancient Greek
12 Differentiation in teaching history
13 The role of teacher in the differentiated classroom