Learning Outcomes
the student should be able to use properly the periodontal instrumentarium for scaling and root planing and deuterium a treatment plan for periodontitis cases and the necessity of periodontal recall. Furthermore, he should be able to access the medical history of the patient and discuss the relationship between periodontal and systemic diseases.The student should also be able to know about the right way of use of the various medicaments, the limits of the non-surgical treatment and the indications of the surgical treatment.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Seminars on treatment of periodontal disease. After completion of the 8th semester the student should have the theoretical background on Periodontal Therapy and be able to perform a proper periodontal diagnosis and a treatment plan.
Clinical Practice:
Topics: The clinical practice includes the treatment of two cases with chronic genaralized periodontitis
Aim: The rationale of the clinical course on periodontology in the 8th semester is to provide to the student clinical dexterities in periodontal examination, diagnosis and treatment planning of periodontitis cases. On completion of the 8th semester the student should be able to use properly the periodontal instrumentarium for scaling and root planing and deuterium a treatment plan for periodontitis cases and the necessity of periodontal recall. Furthermore, he should be able to access the medical history of the patient and discuss the relationship between periodontal and systemic diseases.The student should also be able to know about the right way of use of the various medicaments, the limits of the non-surgical treatment and the indications of the surgical treatment.