Medical Genetics

Course Information
TitleΙΑΤΡΙΚΗ ΓΕΝΕΤΙΚΗ / Medical Genetics
FacultyHealth Sciences
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter/Spring
CoordinatorStyliani Fidani
Course ID600019815

Programme of Study: UPS of School of Dentistry (2010-today)

Registered students: 105
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterYearECTS
CoreCompulsory Course423

Class Information
Academic Year2021 – 2022
Class PeriodSpring
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours6
Class ID
Course Type 2011-2015
General Foundation
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
  • Distance learning
Digital Course Content
Language of Instruction
  • Greek (Instruction, Examination)
Learning Outcomes
The knowledge of general principles of genetics, how they operate in humans, and their implications for individuals and for society. Upon course completion, the students will have familiarized themselves with the basic principles of human genetics and trained - in theory and by practice - on the basic methods applied for the understanding of the molecular basis of genetic syndromes and inherited disorders in humans. In addition, they will be able to understand the contribution and the importance of genetic analysis in prevention and early diagnosis (preventive, presymptomatic, carrier control), as well as the co-evaluation of the genetic and clinical information in the context of genetic counseling. Lastly, the students will be presented current topics of genetics and genomics that raise bioethical issues (pre-implantation diagnosis, gene therapy, cloning, genome editing, etc).
General Competences
  • Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
  • Work in teams
  • Work in an interdisciplinary team
  • Advance free, creative and causative thinking
Course Content (Syllabus)
The human genome: structure and function of genes and chromosomes, Tools of human molecular genetics, Principles of clinical cytogenetics, Patterns of single-gene inheritance, Genetics of complex disorders, Mutation and polymorphism, Mapping of the human genome, Hemoglobinopathies, The molecular, biochemical and cellular basis of genetic disease, The treatment of genetic disease, Genetic aspects of development, Prenatal diagnosis, Cancer genetics and genomics, Personalized medical genetics, Genetic counseling and risk assessment, Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics, Ethical issues in genetics
Genetics, genomics, DNA, chromosomes, inheritance, syndromes, disorders
Educational Material Types
  • Notes
  • Slide presentations
  • Book
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Laboratory Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
  • Use of ICT in Student Assessment
Course Organization
Laboratory Work30.1
Student Assessment
Student Assessment methods
  • Written Exam with Multiple Choice Questions (Summative)
  • Written Exam with Short Answer Questions (Summative)
  • Written Exam with Extended Answer Questions (Summative)
  • Performance / Staging (Formative)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Α. Thompson & Thompson - Ιατρική Γενετική (επίτομο), Συγγραφείς: Nussbaum, McInnes, Willard, 2η έκδοση (2011), Εκδόσεις: Π.Χ. Πασχαλίδης, Αθήνα, 2011. Β. Γενετική: Από τα γονίδια στα γονιδιώματα (επίτομο), Συγγραφείς: Hartwell, Hood, Goldberg, Reynolds, Silver, 1η έκδοση (2013), Εκδόσεις: Utopia Εκδόσεις ΕΠΕ, 2013.
Additional bibliography for study
Σημειώσεις εργαστηριακών ασκήσεων και φροντιστηρίων
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