Educational practices and policy

Course Information
TitleΕκπαιδευτικές Πρακτικές και Πολιτική / Educational practices and policy
FacultySocial and Economic Sciences
SchoolPolitical Sciences
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter
CoordinatorAntonios Papaoikonomou
Course ID600018078

Programme of Study: PPS Tmīma Politikṓn Epistīmṓn 2023-sīmera

Registered students: 0
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterYearECTS
KORMOSElective CoursesWinter-4

Class Information
Academic Year2021 – 2022
Class PeriodWinter
Instructors from Other Categories
Weekly Hours3
Class ID
Course Type 2011-2015
Specific Foundation / Core
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
  • Distance learning
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course students are expected to be able to recognize the educational practices aimed at politicization whether they come from the school or the arts as an educational process. Extensive reference will also be made to practices of the past that aimed at distorting reality either in Greece or in the international environment. The aim is to analyze the obvious or invisible ways of shaping political consciousness through specific lessons in school and the use of other means of entertainment. The expected result is the recognition of propaganda in the broadest sense in different areas of young people's activity.
General Competences
  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
  • Work autonomously
  • Be critical and self-critical
  • Advance free, creative and causative thinking
Course Content (Syllabus)
This course is an introduction to educational practices in a broad sense that aim to form a political identity for students and young people in general, there will be specific reference to school lessons (History, Religion, etc.) which politicize in different phases of Greek history (Dictatorship of August 4, Dictatorship of Colonels, etc.). Reference will also be made to specific films, characteristic of their propaganda trend. In more detail, reference will be made to the Triumph of the Will of Leni Riefenstahl, to Sergei Eisenstein in October and to the man with Rossellini's cross. The way political messages are transmitted will be analyzed and propaganda will be divided into indirect and direct.
education, politicization, cinema
Educational Material Types
  • Notes
  • Slide presentations
  • Multimedia
  • Book
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
Course Organization
Reading Assigment301.1
Written assigments381.4
Student Assessment
Exemption work (3000 words) with parallel presentation in class Study of manual and related articles.
Student Assessment methods
  • Written Exam with Multiple Choice Questions (Formative, Summative)
  • Written Assignment (Summative)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Παπαοικονόμου, Α. & Μ. Μπιρμπίλη (2019). Κινηματογράφος και Πολιτική Προπαγάνδα. Θεσσαλονίκη, Ζυγός.
Additional bibliography for study
Bach, S. (2008). Leni: The Life and Work of Leni Riefenstahl, New York, Vintage Books. Bahr, E. (1995). National Cultural Politics: Intentionalism vs. Functionalism’ in National Socialist Cultural Policy, ed. Glenn R. Cuomo, London: Macmillan, σελ. 5 –22. Barsam, R. (1980). Film guide to Triumph of the Will, Indiana University Press. Bernays, E. (2005 [1928]). Propaganda. New York, Horace Liveright. Bessel, R. (ed.)(1987).Life inthe Third Reich, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Brady, R., (1987). The Spirit and Structure of German Fascism, London: Victor Gollancz Ltd. Calvert, D. (1990). Triumph of the Will: A Film by Leni Riefenstahl, Texas: Celluloid Chronicles Press. 3 Cecil, R. (2006).Education and Elitism in Nazi Germany, Monograph Series No. 5, the Institute for Cultural Research Eisenstein, S. (1995). Beyond the Stars: the memoirs of Sergei Eisenstein, Edited by Richard Taylor, Seagull Books. Goebbels, J. (1983). The Goebbels Diaries, 1939-1941. Fred Taylor, trans. New York: Putnam. Hitler, A. (2006). Ο Αγών μου. Αθήνα, Εκδόσεις Κάκτος. Kershaw, I. (1983). How Effective was Nazi Propaganda?ΣτοNazi Propaganda: The Power and Limitations, ed. David Welch, London: Croom Helm, σελ.180-205 Kershaw, I. (1993). The Nazi Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation, London: Arnold.Kershaw, I. (2001). The Hitler Myth: Image and Reality in the Third Reich, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Krupskaya, N. (1968). Part two: Krupskaya on libraries. ed Sylva Simsova. Hamden: Archon. Kuleshov, L. (1975). Kuleshov on Film: Writings by Lev Kuleshov by Lev Vladimirovich Kuleshov, New York, Vintage Books. Neale, S. (1977).Propaganda, Screen, Volume 18, Issue 3,p.9–40,O’ Mahony, M. (2008). Sergei Eisenstein. London, Reaktion Books. O’ Shaughnessy, N. J. (2004). Politics and Propaganda: Weapons of mass seduction.Manchester University Press Reeves, N. (1999). The Power of Film Propaganda: Myth or Reality?New York: Cassell. Riefenstahl, L. (1976). Die Nuba von Kau, Munich: List. Riefenstahl, L. (1994). Memoiren: 1902-1945. Zeitgeschichte Rother, R. (2002). Leni Riefenstahl:the seduction of a genius. London, Continuum. Rowe, A. (1996). Film Form and Narrative. ΣτοAn Introduction to Film Studies, ed. Jill Nelmes, London: Routledge, pp. 87-120 Snyder, L. (1998). Encyclopaedia of the Third Reich Crown Quarto. Wordsworth Editions. Taylor, R. (1976). Film Propaganda: Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany. London: Croom Helm Ltd. Taylor, R. (1983). Goebbels andthe Function of Propaganda. ΣτοNazi Propaganda: The Power and Limitations, ed. David Welch, London: Croom Helm. Vertov, D. (1985). Kino-Eye: The Writings of Dziga Vertov. Berkeley: University of California Press. 4 Welch, D. (1983) Introductionto Nazi Propaganda: The Power and Limitations, ed. David Welch, London: Croom Helm Welch, D. (1993) The Third Reich: Politics and Propaganda, London: Routledge Zeman, Z. (1973). Nazi Propaganda. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Κελπανίδης, Μ. (2002). Κοινωνιολογία της Εκπαίδευσης: Θεωρίες και Πραγματικότητα.Αθήνα, Ελληνικά Γράμματα. Παιονίδης, Φ. (2014). Στοιχεία κριτικής επιχειρηματολογίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, Εκδόσεις Ζήτη. Ρισάρ, Λ. (1999). Ναζισμός και Κουλτούρα, μτφρ. Αβαγιάννου Λ., Αθήνα, Αστάρτη
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