Learning Outcomes
The aim of the present course is to enable students to recognize and to replicate basic tenets of the main theories of the text of the 20th century, such as formalism, structuralism / post-structuralism / deconstruction, psychoanalysis, reception theory, marxism and the theories springing from the -- broadly defined -- New Left, such as Post-Colonial Studies, Gender Studies, Feminism, New Historicism, etc. With the completion of the course, students are aware of the basic schools of literary theory of the 20th century. They are aware of at least one exemplary primary text for each theory. They can attempt to analyze in theoretically informed ways each new text that they come into contact with.
Course Content (Syllabus)
1. Russian formalism and Anglo-american new criticism: theory and practice through the study of two selected texts: Viktor Sklofksy, 'Art as Technique' (1917) and Wimsatt and Beardsley, 'The Intentional Fallacy' (1946) -- in greek translation.
2. French structuralism, and Narratology. Indicative text in greek translation: Barthes, S/Z (1970)
3. Marxism and Literature. Indicative text(s) in greek translations: Brecht, 'Short Organum for the theatre' (1948), Benjamin, 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction' (1936)
4. Reception theories (Jauss, Iser, Fish). Indicative text in greek translation: Fish, 'Is there a text in this class?' (1980)
5. Psychoanalytic approaches (Freud, Althusser, Lacan). Indicative text in greek translation: Freud, 'A disturbance of memory on the Acropolis' (1936)
6. Post-structuralism (Barthes, 2nd period). Indicative text in greek translation: 'Fragments d'un discours amoureux' (1977)
7. Deconstruction (Derrida, De Man). Indicative text in greek translation: Derrida, 'Che cos' e la poesia?' (1988)
8. Post-modernism (Lyotard, Baudrillard, Jameson). Indicative text in greek translation, Lyotard, 'What is then postmodernism?' (1982)
9. New Historicism (Greenblatt, Gallagher) / Cultural Materialism (Williams). Indicative text in greek translation: 'Culture and History' [1958-] (extract)
10. Postcolonial theories (Said, Bhabha). Indicative text in greek: Martin McKinsey, 'Looking for the Barbarians: Cavafy and postcolonial criticism' (1997)
11. Feminism and Gender Studies (Wolf, Showalter, Sedwick, Butler). Indicative text in greek translation: Butler, Introduction to 'Gender Trouble' (1990)
12. Cultural Studies (Early Barthes, Stuart Hall). Indicative text in greek translation: Barthes. Mythologies (1957).
13. Recapitulation, Conclusions, Preparation for the exam.
Formalism, Structuralism / Post-structuralism, Psychoanalysis, Marxism, Reception Theory, Feminism, Gender Studies, Postcolonialism, etc.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Eagleton, Terry, Εισαγωγή στη θεωρία της λογοτεχνίας, μετ. Μιχάλης Μαυρωνάς, εισαγ.-επιμ. Δ. Τζιόβας, Αθήνα 1996.
Fokkema, Douwe- Elrud Ibsch, Θεωρίες λογοτεχνίας του εικοστού αιώνα, μετ. Γ. Παρίσης - επιμ. Ερ. Καψωμένος, Αθήνα 1999.
Hawthorn, Jeremy, Ξεκλειδώνοντας το κείμενο: Μια εισαγωγή στη θεωρία της λογοτεχνίας, μετ. Μ. Αθανασοπούλου, Ηράκλειο 1999.