Course Information
SchoolMechanical Engineering
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate
Teaching PeriodSpring
CoordinatorDimitrios Vlachos
Course ID20002160

Programme of Study: UPS of School of Mechanical Engineering

Registered students: 8
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterYearECTS
Industrial ManagementElective Course belonging to the selected specialization (Elective Specialization Course)1055

Class Information
Academic Year2021 – 2022
Class PeriodSpring
Weekly Hours3
Class ID
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
Digital Course Content
Learning Outcomes
With the successful completion of the course students will be able  • to recognize and record:  o the elements of organizational structure of Organisms, the basic functions and support needs of an organization, o the role of the Administration and operation of information systems in the digital business, o e-business models o the ethical and social issues arising from the use of information systems, o the basic architecture of individual CP, the basic features or problems affecting the development of CP,  • to understand  o the role and importance of information systems management in enterprises and organizations,  o the interdependence between information systems and business administration,   o but utility and complexity as well as the risks arising from the use of information systems  o the processes of development of information systems management  • to use the knowledge of  o to develop procedures and applications in support of administrative, financial, production and other operations and systems of an enterprise.
General Competences
  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
  • Make decisions
Course Content (Syllabus)
Lesson 1: introduction to information systems: systems theory, globalization and new business environments, information systems at the organisational level, Management and information systems, the new roles of information systems in organizations, the challenge of information systems Lesson 2: the strategic role of information systems: Basic applications systems in organizations, Categories of information systems, the information as a strategic business resource, organization-level Strategy and Value Added model, group-wide Corporate Strategy and information systems, industrial strategy and information systems Lesson 3: Information systems, Organizations and operational procedures: determine the relationships between information systems and organizations, Characteristics of organisations, operational procedures, Reasons for adoption of information systems, the effect of information systems in organizations, Organizational changes and reasons for resistance to those Lesson 4: Information Management and Decision-making: introduction to Management, the decision-making Levels, types of decisions and information systems, Organizational models and decision-making, management Schools and influences in the design of information systems  Lesson 5: Ethical and social aspects of information systems Ethics and information systems, information society and moral dilemmas, copyright, Responsibility and professionalism in the analysis and design of information systems  Lesson 6: Organizational Redesign and information systems information systems and organizational changes, range of organizational change, Re-engineering of operational procedures, introduction to information systems analysis, information systems and ' added value '  Lesson 7: strategic planning for information systems introduction to strategy, Defining organizational procedures for information systems strategic planning, strategic needs Analysis and identify future needs, Defining strategic information systems management, application development and Management of technological infrastructure Lesson 8: Development of information systems information systems development cycle, advantages and disadvantages of the development cycle, analysis and design Methodologies, Prototyping , Development of information systems with ready-made software packages, Development of information systems by end users, the development of information systems through components, Assigning the development and operation of information systems in contractor Lesson 9: success factors of information systems information systems, Technology Assessment and redesign of business challenges, Reasons of failure of information systems, Implementation of information systems and critical success factors, and risk Analysis Lesson 10: knowledge management and decision support information systems information systems and knowledge management, productivity Indicators and knowledge work, Creation and transmission of knowledge through information systems, artificial intelligence and neural networks, types of decision support systems and application examples, Executive information systems , and the role and importance of these within the organisation  Lesson 11: introduction to E-Commerce E-Commerce, information technology and the post-industrial revolution, redefinition of space and time and the effects on organisms, World - Wide Web, Services, shopping and E-Commerce, e-commerce and critical success factors Lesson 12: International Organizations and information systems Strategy globalisation and implications for the design of information systems, Design of technological infrastructure to global environment Issues, global strategy organizations, New business models, Redesign organizational structures and information systems, technical problems and opportunities.
Information systems, ERP
Course Organization
Reading Assigment933.1
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
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Additional bibliography for study
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