Learning Outcomes
1. Scattering matrix and other matrix representations.
2. Waveguide excitation via probes and aperture coupling.
3. Detailed analysis of 3- and 4-port typical passive networks, such as the Wilkinson divider, 90o or 180o hybrids (rat race) or coupled-line directional couplers.
4. Elements on microwave filters.
5. Understanding of ferrite material properties and the operation of ferrite devices.
6. Microwave PIN diodes and associated circuits (switches, phase-shifters, etc).
7. Thorough understanding of microwave transistors (stability, gain) and design of single-stage microwave amplifiers.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Complex impedance and admittance matrices. Scattering matrix and ABCD matrix. Excitation of waveguides and aperture coupling. Waveguide iris. Power splitters and directional couplers: Wilkinson divider, 90ο hybrid, coupled-line directional couplers, 180ο hybrid, magic T. Microwave resonators: dielectric resonators, Fabry-Perot resonators, resonator coupling through gaps or apertures. Microwave filters. Ferrites and ferrite devices: magnetic permeability tensor, plane-wave propagation in ferrites, Faraday rotation, isolators, phase-shifters, gyratron, circulators. Detectors and mixers, single-ended mixer, balanced mixer, image-rejection mixer. PIN diode circuits, switches and phase-shifters. Microwave sources, tubes, GUNN and IMPATT diodes. Microwave transistors: FET and bipolar. Microwave amplifiers: gain and stability. Design of microwave amplifiers. Laboratory experiments: KLYSTRON tube, GUNN diode, measurement of frequency, wavelength, power, SWR and impedance, vector network analyzer measurements.
Transmission lines, scattering matrix, directional couplers, filters, ferrite devices, PIN diode circuits, microwave amplifiers