Additional bibliography for study
uscot F., Varma A. 2005, Microorganisms in Soils: Roles in Genesis and Function. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
Kuzyakov Y., Blagodatskaya E. 2015. Microbial hotspots and hot moments in soil: Concept & review. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 83: 184-199.
Young et al. 2008. Microbial Distribution in Soils: Physics and Scaling. Advances in Agronomy, 100: 81-121.
Zhou et al. 2002. Spatial and Resource Factors Influencing High Microbial Diversity in Soil. Applied and Environmental Micorbiology, 68: 326–334.
Woese C R. 1987. Bacterial Evolution. Microbiological Reviews, 51:221-271.
Ward DM. 2006. Microbial diversity in natural environments: focusing on fundamental questions. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 90:309–324.
Kirchmann et al. 2004. Effects of level and quality of organic matter input on carbon storage and biological activity in soil: Synthesis of a long-term experiment. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18.
DeVries FT. and Bardgett RD. 2015. Biodiversity climate change impacts report card technical paper. Climate change effects on soil biota in the UK. Biodiversity Report Card 16.
Conrad R. 1996. Soil Microorganisms as Controllers of Atmospheric Trace Gases (H2, CO, CH4, OCS, N2O, and NO). Microbiological Reviews, 60: 609-640.
Burns et al. 2013. Soil enzymes in a changing environment: Current knowledge and future directions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 58: 216-234.
Nannipieri et al. 2012. Soil enzymology: classical and molecular approaches. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 48:743–762.
Griffiths, et al. 2001. Functional stability, substrate utilisation and biological indicators of soils following environmental impacts. Applied Soil Ecology, 16: 49–61.
Baath, E. 1989. Effects of heavy metals in soil on microbial processes and populations (a review). Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 47: 335-379.
Wood JM, Wang HK.1983. Microbial resistance to heavy metals. Environmental Science and Technology, 17: 582A-590A.
Giller et al., 2009. Heavy metals and soil microbes. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 41: 2031–2037.
Hussein et al. 2009. Impact of Pesticides on Soil Microbial Diversity, Enzymes, and Biochemical Reactions. Advances in Agronomy, 102: 159-200.
Kumar et al. 2005 Antibiotic use in agriculture and its impact on the terrestrial environment. Advances in Agronomy, 87: 1-54.
Arbeli Z, Fuentes CL. 2007. Accelerated biodegradation of pesticides: An overview of the phenomenon, its basis and possible solutions; and a discussion on the tropical dimension. Crop Protection, 26: 1733–1746.
Di Bene et al. 2013. Short- and long-term effects of olive mill wastewater land spreading on soil chemical and biological properties. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 56: 21-30.
Griffiths BS, Philippot L. 2013. Insights into the resistance and resilience of the soil microbial community. FEMS Microbiological Reviews, 37: 112–129.
Vessey JK. 2003. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria as biofertilizers. Plant and Soil 255: 571–586.
Zhuang et al. 2013. Bioactive Molecules in Soil Ecosystems: Masters of the Underground. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 14: 8841-8868.
Birch et al. 2007. The role of laboratory, glasshouse and field scale experiments in understanding the interactions between genetically modified crops and soil ecosystems: A review of the ECOGEN project. Pedobiologia 51: 251—260.