Course Content (Syllabus)
This course is an introduction to Ethics as a discipline and more specifically to Christian Ethics. It focuses on the following issues: the origin of the concept of ethics; ethical philosophy and religious ethics; approaches of classical and modern philosophers; principles and methodology of ethics; ethical dimensions of contemporary problems; the sources of Christian Ethics; the ontological basis of Christian ethos; autonomy and heteronomy; freedom and authority; divine and human justice; the relationship between dogma and ethos. The course is completed with a brief examination of patristic texts that refer to basic issues of the Christian Ethics.
ethics, morality, autonomy, eteronomy, love, justice
Additional bibliography for study
1. Μυρτώ Δραγώνα-Μονάχου, Σύγχρονη ηθική φιλοσοφία, εκδόσεις Ελληνικά Γράμματα, Αθήνα 1995.
2. Απ. Νικολαΐδης, Προβληματισμοί χριστιανικού ήθους, Αθήνα 2000.
3. Γεώργιος Μαντζαρίδης, Κείμενα Πατερικής Ηθικής, εκδόσεις Π. Πουρναράς, Θεσσαλονίκη 2003.