Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to become familiar with the main issues of the historical research in the field of Roman History and to understand the specific characteristics (political, social, ideological) of the political entity, which became (in many ways) the historical past of the Modern Europe. The students are also expected to appreciate the political practice,characteristic of Rome, to integrate foreign communities or individuals through the granting of Roman citizenship.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction to the History of Rome under the Middle and Late Republic and the Early Principate. Emphasis on the political institutions and state ideology, the administration and social structure of the Roman State in the period of the Libera Res Publica as well as after the formation of the Principate. Historical interpretation of selected sources.
Week #1 The Periods of Roman History. The sources for Roman History. Ancient Greek and Latin Historians of Rome. The Beginnings of the Roman State.
Week #2 Organization and Institutions of the Res Publica: Patricians, Plebeians and the Struggle of Orders. The Senate, the Magistrates and the Assemblies of Citizens
Week #3 Roman Expansion to Italy: Rome’s relations with the Latins, the Wars against the Samnites, the War against Pyrrhus.
Week #4 Roman Expansion to the Western Mediterranean: Punic Wars and the Creation of Provinces in Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Spain and Africa.
Week #5 Roman Expansion to the Greek East: Macedonian Wars, the War against Antiochos III, the Creation of Provinces in Macedonia and Asia.
Week #6 Organization and Exploitation of the Roman Provinces (2nd-1st c. B.C.). The Consequences of the overseas Expansion in Italy. The 2nd c. B.C. Crisis and the Reforms of the Gracchi.
Week #7 The gradual Collapse of the Res Publica: the Rise of Marius, the Social War, The 1ST Mithidratic War. Marius against Sulla. Sulla’s Reforms.
Week #8 The gradual Collapse of the Res Publica: The Rise of Pompey, Crassus and Caesar, the 3rd Mithridatic War, the 1st Triumvirate.
Week #9 The gradual Collapse of the Res Publica: Caesar against Pompey, Caesar’s Dictaorship and Assassination, the 2nd Triumvirate, the battles of Philippi and Actium
Week #10 The Principate of Augustus: Administrative and Military Reforms. Augustus’ Conquests.
Week #11 The Iulio-Claudian and Flavian dynasties.
Week #12 The Height of the Empire in the 2nd century AD: The Age of the Antonines, the central and provincial Administration, the Cities of the Empire, the Proliferation of Roman Citizenship.
Week #13 The Principate of Commodus, the Severi and the 3rd century Crisis.
Institutions of the Libera res Publica, Formation of the Italian Confederacy, Roman Society, Roman expansion, Roman provinces, Political and Social crisis, Augustus and the principate, Imperial ideology, Administration and structure of the Roman Empire.
Additional bibliography for study
Απολύτως ενδεικτικά:Klaus Bringmann, A History of the Roman Republic, 2007 (μετάφραση από τη Γερμανική έκδοση του 2002.
A Companion to the Roman Republic (eds. Nathan Rosenstein, Robert Morstein-Marx), Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World, Oxford 2006.
Werner Eck, Augustus, Oxford 2003.
Dietmar Kienast, Augustus. Prinzeps und Monarch, Darmstadt 1982.
Geza Alföldy, Ιστορία της Ρωμαϊκής Κοινωνίας (μτφρ.Α.Χανιώτης), Εκδόσεις ΜΙΕΤ, Αθήνα 1988.