Title | "Εν ταις αγοραίς και εν ταις πλατείας" Ο διάλογος της Ορθοδοξίας με την πόλη, την πολιτική και τον πολιτισμό, με ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στο φαινόμενο του φο / "In markets and public squares" The dialogue of Orthodoxy with the public sphere of the city, politics and culture, with a particular emphasis on fund |
Code | 2161 |
Faculty | Theology |
School | Theology |
Cycle / Level | 1st / Undergraduate |
Teaching Period | Spring |
Coordinator | Chrysostomos Stamoulis |
Common | Yes |
Status | Active |
Course ID | 600012784 |
Orientation | Attendance Type | Semester | Year | ECTS |
KORMOS | Elective Courses | Spring | - | 3 |
Academic Year | 2021 – 2022 |
Class Period | Spring |
Faculty Instructors | |
Instructors from Other Categories |
Weekly Hours | 3 |
Class ID | 600200416
Building | Theology |
Floor | Floor 3 |
Hall | ΑΙΘΟΥΣΑ Δ (100) |
Calendar | Wednesday 18:00 to 21:00 |