T9-1 Methodology for conducting a dissertation project

Course Information
TitleΜΕΘΟΔΟΛΟΓΙΑ ΕΚΠΟΝΗΣΗΣ ΔΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ / T9-1 Methodology for conducting a dissertation project
SchoolSchool of Spatial Planning and Development
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter
Course ID600019956

Programme of Study: PPS Tmīmatos Mīchanikṓn CΗōrotaxías kai Anáptyxīs (2020-sīmera)

Registered students: 90
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterYearECTS
KORMOSCompulsory Course958

Class Information
Academic Year2021 – 2022
Class PeriodWinter
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours4
Class ID
Course Type 2011-2015
Knowledge Deepening / Consolidation
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
Language of Instruction
  • Greek (Instruction, Examination)
General Prerequisites
In order to register for the course 180 ECTS are required
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion students will be able: • to design and conduct a small research project, • to research scientific literature and other secondary data and critically synthesize them • to use resources respectfully and follow standards avoiding plagiarism • to use and apply appropriate quantitative or qualitative research methods • to know the basics of writing up a thesis, in terms of style and structure, and apply them in a small research project • to effectively set up a powerpoint presentation of a project • to be adequately prepared to propose, undertake and successfully conduct their diploma project thesis.
General Competences
  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
  • Make decisions
  • Work autonomously
  • Work in an interdisciplinary team
  • Design and manage projects
  • Be critical and self-critical
  • Advance free, creative and causative thinking
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course follows the steps of conducting a small research project, both generally and through examples from the knowledge areas taught in the School. Its content is organised along 4 basic sections: 1. Setting up and designing a research project - From plan to action: research aims, hypotheses and questions - Theoretical grounding and empirical investigation 2. Literature research and review - Searching for, evaluating and selecting literature and other sources - Critical and synthetic of scientific literature - Citing literature and references, following academic standards 3. Empirical research - Choosing relevant research methods - Researching and editing secondary data - Conducting field research 4. Writing-up and presentation - Academic style - Organization and structure of the diploma thesis - Effective visual communication and oral presentation of the thesis
research design, literature review, research findings, oral presentation
Educational Material Types
  • Notes
  • Slide presentations
  • Interactive excersises
  • Book
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
Course Organization
Laboratory Work13
Reading Assigment52
Written assigments44
Student Assessment
Student Assessment methods
  • Written Assignment (Formative, Summative)
  • Performance / Staging (Formative, Summative)
  • Report (Formative, Summative)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Δεν υπάρχει βασικό σύγγραμμα. Επιλέγονται από τα εξής: - Φραγκομίχαλος Κώστας Ε. (2003) Η στρατηγική της επικοινωνίας, Εκδόσεις Γρηγόρη ΟΕ [Κωδ. Εύδοξος 22542]. - Σιάρδος Γεώργιος Κ. (2009) Μεθοδολογία κοινωνιολογικής έρευνας, εκδ. Ζήτη Π & Σία [Κωδ. Εύδοξος 11107]. - Umberto Eco: Πως γίνεται μια διπλωματική εργασία, εκδ. Καπόλα Κ.Π. [Κωδ. Εύδοξος 4843] - Joyner Randy L. Συγγραφή διπλωματικής εργασίας και διατριβής, εκδ. Ι. Κωσνταντάρας [Κωδ. Εύδοξος 86201088] Πρόσθετο υλικό του μαθήματος διανέμεται στη διάρκεια των διαλέξεων ή/και αναρτάται στο e-learning.
Additional bibliography for study
- Ίσαρη, Φ., Πουρκός, Μ., 2015. Ποιοτική μεθοδολογία έρευνας. [ηλεκτρ. βιβλ.] Αθήνα:Σύνδεσμος Ελληνικών Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών. Διαθέσιμο στο: http://hdl.handle.net/11419/5826 - ΑΠΘ. 2016. Οδηγός Σύνταξης Εργασίας. Βιβλιοθήκη & Κέντρο Πληροφόρησης ΑΠΘ, https://www.lib.auth.gr/sites/default/files/docs_files/Calculator.pdf
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