Learning Outcomes
Cognitive: Learning methods used for spatial and multimedia data management, and advanced topics in data base management.
Skills: After the course completion students will have a concrete view of the methods used for spatial and multimedia data management. Moreover, they will be able to apply indexing schemes (as well as other methods) in spatial and multimedia data. In addition, the assignments will help students to gain additional knowledge and solve practical problems.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Spatial and Multimedia Databases with emphasis on high dimensional data, Spatial Data Models, Spatial Query Languages, Spatial Storage and Indexing, Spatial Query Processing Algorithms and Optimization, Spatial Networks, Information Retrieval, Content-based Information Systems, Multidimensional Indexing Techniques, B-Trees and their variants, persistent trees, buffer trees, R-Trees and their variants, X-Trees, M-Trees, Slim-Trees, Similarity Query Processing Algorithms in Multidimensional Spaces, Similarity Query Processing Algorithms in Metric Spaces, Preference Queries (top-k, skylines), hash indexing techniques.
Spatial and Multimedia Databases, Indexing methods, Query Processing, Top-k, Skyline
Additional bibliography for study
S. Shekhar, S. Chawla: Spatial Databases: A Tour, Prentice Hall, 2003.
P. Rigaux, M. Scholl, A. Voisard: Spatial Databases: With Application to GIS, Morgan Kaufmann, 2001.
H. Samet: Foundations of Multidimensional and Metric Data Structures, Morgan Kaufmann, 2006.
R. H. Guting, M. Schneider, Moving Objects Databases, Morgan Kaufmann, 2005.
A. Baughman, J. Gao, J.-Y. Pan, V.A. Petrushin (eds): Multimedia Data Mining and Analytics: Disruptive Innovation, Springer, 2015.
K. S. Candan, M. L.Sapino, Data Management for Multimedia Retrieval, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
O. Marques, B. Furht: Content-Based Image and Video Retrieval, Springer, 2002.
P. Muneesawang, N. Zhang, L. Guan: Multimedia Database Retrieval: Technology and Applications, Springer, 2014.
L. Liu, M. T. Ozsu (eds): Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer, 2009.
J. Vitter, Algorithms and Data Structures for External Memory, 2008.
J. Abello, P.M. Pardalos and M.G.C. Resende (editors), Handbook of Massive Data Sets, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
D. Menta and S Sahni, Handbook of Data Structures and Application. 2005.