Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able:
to acknowledge the importance of innovation in the development of entrepreneurship.
to reflect their business idea on the business model canvas.
to develop succeful entepreneurial models.
to recognise the challenges throught the developemental stages of a start-up company.
to acknowledge the process of funding a start-up sport company.
Course Content (Syllabus)
While entrepreneurship can be as theoretical as any field of research, this module has a practical orientation aiming to provide students with the necessary knowledges and skills that will assist them to create, develop and fund a start-up comapny. Special emphasis is being placed on the role of innovation throughout all developmental stages of the company. Specifically, this module consists of four sub-modules. The introductory sub-module introduces the students to entrepreneurship and innovation, the needed skills for a successful business venture and the national and international business environments. In the second and third submodules, the three basic frameworks that are more tailored for startup’s specific needs (i.e. business model camvas, lean start-up and disciplined entrepreunership) will be taught. In the final sub-module, students will be taught how to pitch their business idea and fund their business venture.
entrepreneurship, innovation, business models, start-ups