Learning Outcomes
Students will know the stages of embryonic development, starting from the gametes until the delivery of the baby. Emphasis is placed on diagnostic methods of imaging fetal development, on monitoring development based on milestones, on the causes of congenital abnormalities formation, on placental growth and function. The development and formation of some organs and systems, in addition to their most common congenital anomalies are studied.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Meiosis, gametogenesis ovarian cycle, fertilization, blastocyst formation, 1st week of development, implantation, gastrulation, early differentiation of tissues and organs, late embryonic period, placenta and embryonic membranes, teratology, developmental signaling pathways, body cavities, pharyngeal arches, respiratory system, digestive system, urogenital system, cardiovascular system, myoskeletal system, extremities, nervous system, sensory organs, epidermis, congenital abnormalities, clinical problems.