Learning Outcomes
At the end of the semester students will be able:
- To express themselves artistically through movement and dance, individualy and cooperatively
- To recognize the value of dance in kinetic, emotional, cognitive level
- to manage official curricula and create integrated activities of dance, of expressive movement and development in early childhood and childhood
- To apply modern teaching methods for movement education
- Organize intercultural activities through dance and kinetic expression
Course Content (Syllabus)
This course's theoretical background refers to kinetic expression's value in education and its directly related to practice. It focuses on contemporary theories and research findings on dance education, on educator's role to children's kinetic expression, on dance therapy issues and other similar subjects.
In the practical part of the course, personal experimentations and group cooperations are encouraged, ideas and techniques and offered related to the expression through movement. The core of this process is dance and its approached by differentiated ways, connected to drama improvisations.
The practical part's content includes individual and group improvisations, creative dance, selected items from of Greek traditional dances, European social dances, latin etc. Theatrical expression is approached both by improvised movement and dialogue, as by pantomime. The music and movement relation is approached both by dance, as by improvised cooperative melodic compositions (using melodic and percussion instruments), accompanying by rhythmic-expressive movements.
creative dance, expresive movement, traditional dances, latin-american dances, primitive dance, intercultural teaching approaches
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Μπαρμπούση Β. (2014). "Η Τέχνη του Χορού στην Ελλάδα τον 20ό Αιώνα". Εκδόσεις Γ. Δαρδανός - Κ. Δαρδανός, ΟΕ, Αθήνα
2. Βενετσάνου, Φ., & Λεβέντης, Χ. (2010). "Ο Ελληνικός παραδοσιακός χορός για παιδιά προσχολική ηλικίας: 40 μαθήματα με στόχο την ολόπλευρη ανάπτυξη των παιδιών". Εκδόσεις Αθλότυπο, Θεσσαλονίκη.
Additional bibliography for study
1. Joyce, M. (1994). First Steps in Teaching Creative Dance to Children (3rd ed.). California: Mayfield Publishing Co.
2. Μπελισά, Ι., & Ιμπερτί, Ν. (1998). Ο Χορός στο Νηπιαγωγείο. (Ν Χούνος, Επιμ.) Αθήνα: Άγκυρα
3. Laban, R., & Ullmann, L. (1988). Modern Educational Dance. United Kingdom: Northcote House.
4. Κεφάλου-Χορς, Ε. (2001). Ρυθμική. Αθήνα: Orpheus
5. Μπαρμπούση, Β. (2004). Ο Χορός στον 20ο Αιώνα. Αθήνα: Εκδ. Καστανιώτη