Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1) Recognize the role of genes and importance of genetic material (DNA), the meaning of inheritance and the importance of cytological phenomena (Mitosis, Meiosis) and chromosome mapping.
2) Obtain knowledge of gene expression and analyse the phenomena of self incompatibility, male sterility, aneyploidy, polyploidy and maternal heritability and their expression in plant evolution, breeding and ecology.
3) Be familiar with the principles of Mendelian genetics to solve exercises and problems and obtain knowledge on a wide range of techniques and applications of modern genetics.
3) Develop critical thoughts and skills for exploiting the new techniques and applications of Genetics, in Agricultural science.
Course Content (Syllabus)
An introduction to Genetics. The knowledge on genome, genes and Mendelian inheritance.
Recognizion with the genetic code and gene expression. Genotype x Environment interaction.
Base of crhomosome' s inheritance, alleles and cell divisions. Mitosis and Meiosis. Similarities, differences and biological meaning of Mitosis and Meiosis. The role of gametogenesis & consequences of recombination. Cytoplasmic inheritance. Mutations and cromosome reareangements. Mutagenesis and consequences in organisms. DNA sequencing of plant and human genomes. An introduction into quantitative genetics. Applications of Genetics in Agricultural science.
Genome, genes, chromosomes, Mendelian inheritance