Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able:
1. to understand the methodology of various numerical and optimization techniques
2. to evaluate and compare the various numerical methods
3. to handle and compine adequately the numerical methods for techical problems solving
4. to formulate and solve an optimization problem
5. to elaborate and apply numerical and optimization methods with the use of a computer.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Computer Arithmetic. Taylor series. Numerical Interpolation. Numerical Integration. Numerical solving of non linear equations. Matrices. Numerical solving of linear systems of equations. Linear Programming. Least squares approximation Introduction to Optimization methods. Linear Programming. Metaheuristics and evolutionary algorithms. Design of numerical and optimization methods with the use of computer.
Additional bibliography for study
Faires, J.D. and Burden R.L., Numerical Analysis, 8th Edition, Thomson Brooks Cole, 2005
Chapra, S.C and Canale R.S., Numerical Methods for engineers, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2002
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