Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1) Recognize, by using morphological key-features, the seeds and plants of cereals and legumes under study.
2) Obtain knowledge of the ecological parameters and niches along with the agronomic practice needed to accomplish an economically profitable crop for each species.
3) Develop critical thinking skills for tackling practical problems related with growth and crop cycle of the species under study.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Distribution, botanical features, development and growth, ecological parameters, agronomic practice, products, quality and post-harvest treatments of the most important, for Greek agricultural economy, winter and spring cereals and legumes for grain and forage. Growth characteristics and parameters related with yield in winter cereals. General morphological description of legumes (Fabaceae)-symbiotic dinitrogen fixation. Chemical composition and nutritive value of legume products. Winter and spring legume, alfalfa and clovers.