Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Understand the basic aspects of physical chemistry as applied to food systems.
2. Understand the kinetics of chemical and enzymic reactions.
3. Understand the physico-chemical principles applied for shelf-life assessment of foods.
4. Recognize the influence of texture of food systems on their sensory attributes and stability. upon food processing and storage.
Course Content (Syllabus)
1. Introduction. States of matter. Bonds and interaction forces.
2. The laws of ideal and real gases. Behavior of supercritical fluids - applications to the food technology.
3. The laws of thermodynamics.
4. Determination of thermodynamic parameters, calorimetry and its application to the characterization of food systems and their constituents.
5. Properties of solids and liquids (surface phenomena, solubility, vapor pressure, evaporation, dispersed systems.
6. Binary liquid mixtures (pressure-temperature-composition diagrams, fractional distillation). Non-mixing liquids - water vapor distillation.
7. Colligative properties of solutions (nonelectrolyte and electrolyte solutions). Chemical equilibrium - Influence of pressure and temperature on the equilibrium constant.
8. The kinetics of chemical reactions (basic principles, kinetic equations, influnece of temperature on the kinetics of chemical reactions and physicochemical phenomena).
9. Application of reaction kinetics to real food systems (prediction of the shelf-life of foods).
10. Basic aspects of enzymic catalysis. Kinetics of enzymic reactions - examples of experimental determination of kinetic parameters. Influence of inhibitors on enzymic kinetics.
11. Mechanical properties of foods - characteristics of food texture. Types of rheological behavior.
12. Determination of rheological properties. Application of rheology to real food systems .
13. Aspects of physicochemical properties of suspensions - emulsions - gels.
Physical chemistry, physical properties, shelf life of foods, food texture
Additional bibliography for study
Φυσικοχημεία τροφίμων, Κωνσταντίνος Μπιλιαδέρης (σημειώσεις)
Physical Chemistry of Foods, Pieter Walstra, 2003.
Food Physics, Ludger O. Figura, Arthur A. Teixeira, 2007.
Physical Chemistry With Applications to Biological Systems, Raymond Chang, 1977.