Church History as a cultural chronicle (I)

Course Information
TitleΗ Εκκλησιαστική Ιστορία ως πολιτισμική καταγραφή 1 (I) / Church History as a cultural chronicle (I)
Cycle / Level2nd / Postgraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter
CoordinatorDimitrios Papazis
Course ID600015555

Programme of Study: Theology and Culture

Registered students: 3
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterYearECTS
CΗristianikī Grammateía kai IstoríaYE-EMVATHYNSĪS1110
Systīmatikī THeología, Koinōniología kai Spoudī tīs THrīskeíasEE-EMVATHYNSĪS1110
Praktikī THeología kai PaidagōgikīEE-EMVATHYNSĪS1110

Class Information
Academic Year2022 – 2023
Class PeriodWinter
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours3
Class ID
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Scientific Area
Course Type 2011-2015
Specific Foundation / Core
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
Digital Course Content
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Greek (Instruction, Examination)
General Prerequisites
Understanding of historical sources
Learning Outcomes
Knowing the genre of ecclesiastical history. Approaching the interconnection of secular and ecclesiastical history. Recognizing the cultural record that contains the ecclesiastical history.
General Competences
  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
  • Work in teams
  • Work in an international context
  • Work in an interdisciplinary team
  • Generate new research ideas
  • Advance free, creative and causative thinking
Course Content (Syllabus)
History as part of culture and cultural recording. Church History as a literary genre. Church History as a part of History. Cultural recording into Church History. Writers of Ecclesiastical History.
History, Church History, cultural recording, writers.
Educational Material Types
  • Notes
  • Slide presentations
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
Video - projector, internet
Course Organization
Reading Assigment80
Field trips and participation in conferences / seminars / activities10
Written assigments80
Student Assessment
Writing of paper, presentation
Student Assessment methods
  • Performance / Staging (Summative)
  • Report (Summative)
Additional bibliography for study
Ιω. Αναστασίου, Εκκλησιαστική Ιστορία, τόμ. πρώτος, Θεσσαλονίκη, εκδ. "Επίκεντρο". Απ. Γλαβίνα, Ιστορία της Εκκλησίας, τεύχ. Α΄, Θεσσαλονίκη 2005. Βλασ. Φειδά, Εκκλησιαστική Ιστορία Α΄, Αθήνα 2002.Βλασ. Φειδά, Εκκλησιαστική Ιστορία Β’, Αθήνα 2002. Δ. Μόσχου, Συνοπτική Ιστορία της Χριστιανικής Εκκλησίας Α΄, εκδ. Ακρίτα, Αθήνα 2009. Δ. Μόσχου, Συνοπτική Ιστορία της Χριστιανικής Εκκλησίας Β΄, εκδ. Ακρίτα,Αθήνα 2009. Βασ. Κουκουσάς - Διον. Βαλαής, Θέματα Εκκλησιαστικής Ιστορίας, Α΄, Θεσ/νίκη 2011.Βασ. Στεφανίδη, Εκκλησιαστική Ιστορία. Απ' αρχής μέχρι σήμερον. Αθήναι 1998 [1959].Δ. Γόνη, Ιστορία των Ορθοδόξων Εκκλησιών Βουλγαρίας και Σερβίας, εκδ. Αρμός, Αθήνα 2001. Βλασ. Φειδά, Εκκλησιαστική Ιστορία της Ρωσίας, εκδ. Αποστολικής Διακονίας της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος, Αθήνα 2006.Γεωργ. Φλωροφσκυ, Θέματα Εκκλησιαστικής Ιστορίας, Θεσσαλονίκη 1979.
Last Update