Course Content (Syllabus)
Obstetrics and neonatology (35 hours)
1-4 hrs
Gestation: maternal recognition of pregnancy, early embryonic mortality, embryo-fetus development, fetal fluids, placenta and uterus. Duration of pregnancy, effects on maternal organism. Medical termination of pregnancy in farm animals and horse, hermaphroditism
5-6 hrs
Methods of pregnancy diagnosis (management, clinical, laboratory and imaging methods)
7-8 hrs
Dogs and cats: Pregnancy diagnosis, maternal disorders during pregnancy, prevention and termination of unwanted pregnancy, pseudopregnancy
9-10 hrs
Farm animals and Horses: Maternal disorders during pregnancy (pseudopregnancy, incomplete convergence of the cervix, presence and evaluation of abnormal discharge, rupture of the uterus, rupture of the prepubic tendon, hysterocele, edema of pregnancy, prolapse of the vagina, parturient paraplegia)
11-13 hrs
Parturition: signs of imminent labor, preparation of animals, mechanical aspects of normal calving, stages of parturition, assistance of the parturient animals, factors that affect the process of parturition, vital signs of the fetus. Specificities depending on the species.
14-15 hrs
Establishment of breathing, evaluation of newborn anatomy and vitality. Navel care. First aid, artificial respiration, newborn care and nursing. Body temperature regulation, treatment of acidosis and birth injuries, evaluation of immunological competence and provision of passive immunity. Diagnosis and treatment of congenital pathological conditions of newborns (umbilical hernia, anal atresia, etc.).
16 hr
Medical induction of parturition
17 hr
Sow: specificities, control and actions during the process of the parturition (dystocia, induction of the parturition, termination of the unwanted pregnancy)
18 hr
Post-partum supporting actions for the sow and newborn piglets. Post-partum disorders of the sow (Mastitis-Metritis-Agalaxia syndrome, post-partum dysgalaxia, vaginal and cervical prolapse)
19 hr
Normal post-partum period: manipulation of the retained fetal membranes, uterine involution, resumption of ovarian cyclicity
20 hr
Dystocia: general approach, cause, prevention, dystocia types between the species, estimation and selection of the treatment.
21 hr
Maternal dystocia: injury of pelvis, cervix, vagina, vulva, incomplete dilation of the cervix, inadequate expulsive forces, primary and secondary atony of the uterus
22 hr
Fetal dystocia: fetomaternal disproportion, (fetal oversize), fault disposition
23 hr
Dystocia I: obstetrical equipment and manipulations
24 hr
Dystocia II: corrections to fetal disposition
25 hr
Fetotomy: indications and implementation
26-27 hrs
Cesarean section in horses and farm animals. Indications, preoperative considerations, anesthesia, technique, aftercare, complications
28 hr
Predisposing factors, diagnostic criteria and treat of dystocia in dogs and cats. Primary & secondary atony of the uterus. Obstetrical manipulation
29 hr
Cesarean section in dogs and cats. Indications, anesthesia, technique, aftercare, complications
30 hr
Dogs and cats: treatment and assistance for the bitch/cat after parturition, abnormal maternal behavior/cannibalism, pathological conditions (incomplete involution of the fetal membranes' position of the insertion, post-partum hemorrhage, retention of the fetal membranes)
31 hr
Dogs and cats: Postpartum disorders (metritis, uterine prolapse/inversion, mastitis, agalaxia, eclampsia)
32 hr
Farm animals and horses: lesions and pathological conditions caused by parturition (injuries of the vagina and cervix, rectovaginal injuries, rupture of the perineum, surgical procedures to repair lacerations of the genital tract, parturient paraplegia due to muscle, nerve and bone injuries)
33 hr
Post-partum uterine prolapse/inversion in farm animals and horses.
34-35 hrs
Metabolic disorders during pregnancy (hypocalcaemia, pregnancy toxemia)