Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be aware of:
(a) the importance of the Modern Greek dialects for the history of the Greek language.
(b) the importance of the Modern Greek dialects for the education.
(c) the dialect as an element of the linguistic identity.
(d) of the dialect as an autonomous language system.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The central aim of this course is the study of Modern Greek dialects: classification of Modern Greek dialects, the origin of Modern Greek dialects, main characteristics of Modern Greek dialects. Description of individual dialects. In the introductory lessons we refer to dialect geography, dialectology and linguistics (dialectology and philology, structural dialectology, generative dialectology), spatial variation (isoglosses, bundles of isoglosses, etc.).
dialect, dialect geography, spatial variation,
Additional bibliography for study
Κοντοσόπουλος, N. 2001. Διάλεκτοι και ιδιώματα της νέας ελληνικής. Αθήνα: Γρηγόρη
Chambers, J. K. & Trudgill, P. 1998. Dialectology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Τζιτζιλής, Χρ. 2000. Νεοελληνικές διάλεκτοι και νεοελληνική διαλεκτολογία. Στο Χριστίδης Α. - Φ. (επίμ.). Η ελληνική γλώσσα και οι διάλεκτοί της. Αθήνα: ΥΠΕΠΘ & ΚΕΓ, 15 -22.