Learning Outcomes
1) Understanding the formation and evolution of the Solar system. Introduction to radiometric dating (geochronology).
2) Basic properties of the Earth’s gravity and magnetic fields.
3) Understanding the Earth’s structure as it is revealed by the study of the propagation of seismic waves through the Earth’s interior.
4) Basic characteristics of lithospheric plates–Geodynamics.
5) Understanding the generation of heat and its transfer through the Earth’s interior.
Course Content (Syllabus)
1) Earth and Solar System formation. Introduction to Radiometric dating- geochronology.
2) The Earth’s gravity field. The shape of the Earth – Geoid, ellipsoid.
3) The Earth’s magnetic field and its origin. Geomagnetic field variations. Paleomagnetism and its relation to Geodynamics.
4) Seismology and the internal structure of the Earth. Seismic wave propagation in the Earth.
5) Velocity structure, anisotropy. Crust, mantle and core of the Earth. Continental and ocean lithosphere.
6) Geodynamics: lithospheric plates and their kinematics.
7) Heat generation and conduction in the Earth.
Physics of the Earth’s Interior, Crustal mantle and core structure, Radiometric dating-geochronology, The Earth’s gravity field, The Earth’s magnetic field, Thermal properties of the Earth, Lithospheric plates, Geodynamics
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
(1) Εισαγωγή στη γεωφυσική, Παπαζάχος Κωνσταντίνος, Παπαζάχος Βασίλειος 2η έκδ. βελτιωμένη/2013, ISBN: 978-960-456-386-9
(2) Fundamentals of Geophysics, Lowrie, W. (2007). Cambridge University Press, pp. 381.
(3) Geodynamics. Turcotte, D.L. and Schubert, G. (2014). Cambridge University Press, pp. 657.