Course Content (Syllabus)
• INTRODUCTION, Physical Geography of our Planet, Physical Geography and Environment
• THE SHAPE OF THE EARTH, Earth’s structure, Major Relief Features of the Earth’s Surface, Lithospheric plate movements and Orogenesis
• WEATHERING, Physical weathering, Chemical Weathering, Weathering process as Geomorphological Factor
• GLOBAL CLIMATES AND GEOMORPHOLOGY, Climate Classification and types, Global Precipitation, the geomorphological evolution in different climates, the climate of Greece as a factor of geomorphological evolution.
• GLOBAL SOILS, The Nature of the Soil, Soil development, Soils of the world, Soil erosion
• HYDROGRAPHY – HYDROLOGY, Groundwater, Surface water, Drainage networks, Lakes, Water as a Natural Resource
• FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY, The Work of Streams and Stream Gradation, Base Level, Valley formation, Fluvial Landscapes.
• LANDFORMS MADE BY VOLCANIC ACTIVITY, Stratovolcanoes, Shield volcanoes, Volcanic activity of the Earth, Denudation process on Volcanoes, Main volcanos of Greece.
• GLACIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY, Formation of a Glacier, Glacier Classification, Alpine Glaciers, Ice sheets, Glacial movement, Periglacial phenomena, Pleistocene Ice Ages.
• LANDFORMS AND GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE, Landforms and rock resistance, Landforms of Horizontal Strata and Coastal Plains, Landforms of Warped Rock Layers, Landforms on other geological structures.
• TECTONIC GEOMORPHOLOGY, Fault Landforms, Active tectonics control in fluvial systems and basins.
• KARST GEOMORPHOLOGY, Chemical and mechanical action of water on carbonate rocks, Surface karst landforms, Underground karst landforms, Karst hydrology, Karst types and cycles.
• Coastal Geomorphology, The work of waves, .Types of Coastlines.
• AEOLIAN GEOMORPHOLOGY, Geomorphological action of the wind, Aeolian Processes, Sand Dunes, Loess
Structure and material of laboratories/laboratory-tutorial exercises
• Drainage networks, Basins, Drainage network patterns, outlining the drainage divide
• Drainage Network Analysis, Stream ordering.
• Horton's laws of drainage composition. Law of stream numbers.
• Horton's laws of drainage composition. Law of stream lengths.
• Morphometric indices of Drainage Networks, Drainage Density, Drainage Frequency
• Fluvial Geomorphology, River Terraces.
• Fluvial Geomorphology, Meanders, Sinuosity Index.
• Fluvial Geomorphology, River Valley Geomorphological Evolution.
• Karst Geomorphology.
• Glacial Geomorphology.
• Coastal Geomorphology.
• Aeolian Geomorphology.
• Summarizing exercises.
Course-related daily field trip
1) Daily Field Training Exercise on "Physical Geography, Karst Geomorphology, Speleology"
2) Training Site: Alistrati Village and Cave, Strymonas River Basin
3) Field Exercise Content
Site 1:
Location: Between Alistrati Village and Alistrati Cave.
Subject: Surface karst landforms, Karst morfphology
Site 2:
Location: Alistrati Cave
Subject: Underground karst landforms, Clastic sediments and chemical deposits, Speleogenesis, Speleomorphometry,
Site 3:
Location: Aggitis River Gorge.
Subject: Geomorphological evolution of the area, Water Table, Fluvial processes
Site 4:
Location: Amfipoli Village in Serres Basin
Subject: Geomorphological evolution of the Serres Drama basin, Basic level, Strymonas River Delta