Learning Outcomes
The aim of the course is to create new Geologists correctly trained in performing engineering geological studies for the safe construction of technical works. More analytically, the scope of this course is the evaluation of the geological information into geotechnical parameters and the appraisal of the geomaterial’s behaviour for the design and construction of engineering works (like tunnels, dams, cuts, embankments, foundations and port works). The role of the geological model for the engineering works. Site investigation (boreholes, laboratory and in-situ testing, engineering geological mapping). Engineering geological characteristics of rocks and soils that influences their strength and deformability. Shear strength of soils and rocks. Geotechnical classifications. Landslides and slope stability. Dams – Selection of dam axis location and type of dam based on the engineering geological appreciation (strength, water tightness). Tunnels and underground works: Identification of the engineering geological conditions along the tunnel and prediction on the behaviour. Seismotectonics and engineering works. Students are working on a number of tutorials and submit every week an exercise, while they are trained in the field (one-day and two multiple days field trip) in engineering works. For the purpose of the tutorials, three supportive materials are provided: A. Presentation (power point) of the exercise, B. Supportive sheet-booklet of to work and solve the exercise, C. Analytical presentation of the exercise. For the theory, a series of power point presentations are provided and at the beginning of each ppt presentation it is provided, where the student should focus more for the learning outcomes.
Course Content (Syllabus)
13 lectures are given. The topics that are taught are:
- Introduction (Topics of Engineering Geology-The role of Engineering geology in engineering works)
- Site investigation tools
- Engineering geology of soils (consistence, soil description, Physical characteristics)
- Engineering geology of soils (shear strength, Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria)
- Engineering geology of rocks (Physical, Mechanical properties of rocks and discontinuities)
- Rock mass strength-Geotechnical classification (GSI, RMR, Q)
- Engineering Geology of Sedimentary, Igneous and metamorphic rocks.
- Landslides
- Slope stability
- Dams
- Foundations
For every tutorial the associated exercise includes all data and geo- information, a presentation (PowerPoint) with all the necessary theoretical background and a supplementary assisting booklet with supporting information.
The topics of the tutorials are:
- The importance of the geological model in major construction projects. The consequences from its ignorance or misinterpretation.
- Evaluation of site investigation program: Construction of geological and engineering geological sections from sampling boreholes, laboratory and in-situ tests
- Geostatic stresses (Total and Effective stresses, Pore pressures)
- Putting numbers in Geology I. Shear strength of soils. Mohr-Coulomb parameters, laboratory tests (triaxial, shear test, consolidation test) in soils. Total and effective stress, pore pressures.
- Putting numbers in Geology II.. Uniaxial compressive test of intact rock – UCS. Deformation modulus of the intact rock (Ei). Rock mass strength (σcm). Hoek-Brown failure criteria and equivalent evaluation of cohesion and angle of friction with the use of rock mass classification GSI. Deformation modulus of the rock mass (Em).
- Putting numbers in Geology III. Shear strength of rock joints (when the failure of the rock mass is controlled by them). Shear tests. Evaluation of angle of friction from the Barton – Bandis failure criteria.
- Cuts. Rock slope stability. Kinematic analysis. Definition of Factor of Safety. Groundwater influence. Rock slope support
- Dams I. Selection of Dam place and dam type. Water tightness issues in dam and basin. Slope stability. Foundation problems and mechanisms of failures. The role of Geology.
- Dams II. Water tightness below the dam. Lugeon tests. Grout curtain against seepage and internal erosion
- Tunnels. Evaluation of Engineering geological conditions along a tunnel. Behaviour types. Groundwater inflows.
- Geotechnical classifications in tunneling. GSI, RMR and Q classifications
- Seismotectonics and engineering projects. Evaluation of the seismic hazard. Evaluation of the liquefaction susceptibility of soil deposits.
Engineering works, site investigation, physical and mechanical properties of soils and rock-rock masses, slope stability, landslides, tunnels, dams, foundations