Learning Outcomes
1) Understanding the basic concepts of Igneous Petrology.
2) Understanding the basic concepts of Optical Mineralogy and identification of rock-forming minerals.
3) Understanding the basic magma properties.
4) Understanding the basic concepts of magma origin and evolution.
5) Learning the types of Igneous rocks, their chemical composition and their mineral assemblages.
6) Learning how to identify Igneous rocks in the field.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction - Introduction to the subject of Petrology - Purpose - Research methods - Major groups of rocks
Basic concepts of Optical Mineralogy
Rock forming minerals
Composition and Properties of Magma
Origin of Magma
Evolution of Magma
Geochemistry of igneous rocks
Magma chemistry and geotectonic environment
Morphological types of igneous rocks
Chemical classifications of igneous rocks
Acid, intermediate, basic and ultrabasic rocks
Foid bearing rocks - carbonatites - ophiolites – pyroclastic rocks
Igneous Rocks, Magma composition, Magma properties, Magma origin, Magma evolution, Magma chemistry and geotectonic environment